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ID : 1524

Turning the Motor ON

Turn the motor on to run the robot.

Before turning the motor on, be sure to confirm no person(s) is in the restricted space of the robot.

Methods for Turning the Motor ON

Different methods are used to turn the motor on depending on the operation mode.

Auto Mode

In Auto mode, the methods shown below are available to turn the motor on.
Be sure to set the executable token before the operation.

Manual and Teach Check Modes

In Manual and Teach check modes, the teach pendant or mini-pendant can be used to turn the motor on.

Operating Procedure

Press the MOTOR key of the teach pendant to turn the motor power on.

The MOTOR lamp comes on. The Motor lamp is included in the Motor key.

If turn off the motor immediately after turning the motor on, "MotorBUS-FET failure" might occur. If an error occurs, reboot the controller power supply.

ID : 1524

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