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ID : 5084

Preparation for the Gain Tuning

The flowchart below shows a necessary process for the auto gain tuning.


Description of each process

(1) Resetting the encoder

Reset the encoder when an encoder-related error occurs.

(2) Setting the path configuration parameters

Set the motion conditions of the extended-joints. (Speed, acceleration, motion limits, etc.)

(3) Setting the servo configuration parameters

Set the gain tuning for the extended-joints servo system.

(4) Registering extended-joints in an arm group

In order to control the extended-joints from program, register extended-joints into an arm group.

(5) Restarting the controller

Restart the robot controller to validate changes or registered settings that you have done in "Setting the path configuration parameters", "Setting the servo configuration parameters" or "Registering extended-joints in an arm group".
New settings will go into effect when the controller is turned off and then on after the settings are changed.

(6) Checking the wiring

Check the brake wiring, encoder wiring and motor wiring.

(7) Executing CALSET

Execute CALSET.

(8) Motion check

Run the optional mechanism connected to the motor manually in Joint mode and checks the motion.


ID : 5084

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