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ID : 3736


Electric-gripper-related parameters.
For detail of parameters, refer to "Preparation for Use" of Electric Gripper Guide.

Setting with Remote TP and Virtual TP

To set this parameter with a teach pendant, press [F9 Hand]-[F2 Parameter].
For details about operation, refer to "Parameter Setting Screen of the Eelectric Gripper" of Operation Guide.

Parameter List

No. Item Name Unit Default Description
57 Hand Type - 0 0: No Hand
1: Type1
58 Open software limit [mm] mm 30.000 Specifies the motion limit on the finger opening direction side.
Range : 0 to 30
59 Close software limit [mm] mm 0.000 Specifies the motion limit on the finger closing direction side.
Range : 0 to 30
62 Low speed gripping start position [mm] mm 0.500 Specifies the Low speed gripping start position when [Accelerated/Decelerated Absolute Movement and Grip Mode] or [Accelerated/Decelerated Absolute Movement and Grip Mode] is specified in HandChuck, also when HandMoveAH or HandMoveRH command is executed.
63 Low speed gripping end position [mm] mm 1.000 Specifies the Low speed gripping end position when [Accelerated/Decelerated Absolute Movement and Grip Mode] or [Accelerated/Decelerated Absolute Movement and Grip Mode] is specified in HandChuck command, also when HandMoveAH or HandMoveRH command is executed.
64 Allowable positional deviation range [mm] mm 2.000 Specifies the Allowable positional deviation range when [Absolute Movement Mode] or [Relative Movement Mode] is specified in HandUnChuck command, also when HandMoveA or HandMoveR command is executed.

ID : 3736

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