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ID : 3732


Set the usage of I/Os related parameters.

Setting with Remote TP and Virtual TP

To set this parameter with a teach pendant, press [F4 I/O] - [F5 I/O parameters]. For details about operation, refer to "Displaying and Changing I/O Parameters" of Operation Guide.

Parameter List

No. Item Name Unit Default Description Type of board
2 Parity bit - 1 Specify parity valid/invalid state for I/O command range.
0: Invalid
1: Valid
23 User or System output setting - 0 To use the continue start enable signal, input "1". -
59 I/O Power Mode - 0 Change the internal/external power supply for Mini I/O and Hand I/O. -
127 Running Stop Processing IO No - -1 When the entire program has stopped such as an emergency stop or instantaneously stop and others, the program cannot reboot in a certain period of time.
An error message "83501011 Command is not executable during program stop process" is issued.
Specify an I/O number which turns ON during program stop process.
Available I/O numbers are the number of user outputs.
If output is not necessary, input "-1".
128 Command-Slave Start - 0 To activate the Command-Slave function, add Command-Slave license and set the value to "1". -
142 Digital filter for DETECT - 0 When DETECT function is enabled, the high speed digital filter to detect I/O at high-speed works automatically. When using this function in normal condition, select [0:High speed]. -
143 Robot controller startup completed IO No - -1 Specify an I/O number which turns ON at the time of the COBOTTA start-up.
The difference between the robot initialization completion signal and this signal is, this signal does not turn OFF even if an error is issued.
Available I/O numbers are the number of user outputs.
If output is not necessary, input "-1".
147 MiniI/O All general - 0 This option is used when you would like to use all I/O ports of the Mini I/O as the user I/O, in the Mini I/O dedicated mode.
If "-1" (enabled) is selected, system input ports number #0 to #7 will be used as user input ports, and the system output ports number #17 to #23 will be used as user output ports.
430 Robot Running IO No (position designation) - -1 Specify an I/O number which turns ON while a command to move the robot is issued from the COBOTTA.
Available I/O numbers are the number of user outputs.
If output is not necessary, input "-1".
431 Robot Running IO No (Encoder) - -1 Specify an I/O number which turns ON when the encoder value indicates "robot running state" (when the robot is actually running).
Available I/O numbers are the number of user outputs.
If output is not necessary, input "-1".
442 Switch IO Little/Big Endian - 0 Switch big-endian and little-endian of data declared by DefIO. -
443 Change Battery IO No - -1 Specify a user output number that turns ON if the encoder battery maintenance date has passed. To invalid this signal, set "-1".
Encoder battery maintenance date can be checked with the teach pendant. From the top screen of the teach pendant, press [F6 Setting] - [F7 Date and Maintenance] - [F3 Encoder Battery].
444 Process of Stopping Motor IO No - -1 Specify a user output number that turns ON while the motor status is changing from ON to OFF. During the motor OFF processing (when this signal is ON), the motor cannot be turned ON.
To invalid this signal, set "-1".
445 32bit Error Code Output IO No - -1 Specify a user output number that outputs error code of 32-bits.
Starting from the specified output port number, the following 32-ports are used for user outputs.
To invalid this signal, set "-1".

ID : 3732

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