ID : 3945
To return a component designated by joint type data.
Joint(axis number, joint type data)
Guaranteed Entry
- Axis number
- Designate an axis number of a component to extract by integer type data.
- Joint type data
- Designate joint type data.
Return Value
A component designated by joint type data is returned.
Related Terms
'!TITLE "Extracting Angle from Joint Type Coordinates"
' Acquire the angle of current 2 axes
Sub Sample_Joint
Dim aaa As Joint
Dim bbb As Single
aaa = J( 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
' Assign the joint angle of 2 axes of aaa to bbb
bbb = Joint( 2, aaa )
' Display the joint angle of 2 axes acquired from aaa on the message output window
PrintDbg bbb
End Sub
ID : 3945