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ID : 3953



To return the position vector.


PVec(position data)

Guaranteed Entry

Position data
Designate homogeneous translation type data or position type data.

Return Value

Return vector type data.


The position components (x, y, z) are extracted from homogeneous translation type data or position type data as vector type data.

ReturnValue = PVec( T(X, Y, Z, Ox, Oy, Oz, Ax, Ay, Az, Fig))
'ReturnValue : V(X, Y, Z)

Related Terms

Fig, RVec




'!TITLE "Acquiring Position Vector"
' Acquisition of position vector in the current position
Sub Sample_PVec

  Dim aaa As Trans
  Dim bbb As Vector

  aaa = CurTrn

  ' Assign position vector in the current position to bbb
  bbb = PVec( aaa )

  ' Display position vector in the current position on the message output window
  PrintDbg bbb

End Sub

ID : 3953

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