ID : 3948
To return Y-axis rotation component.
PosRy(position data)
Guaranteed Entry
- Position data
- Designate position type data to specify the position.
Return Value
Return the Ry component by single precision real number type data.
Ry component is extracted from the data representing the position and returned by single precision real number type data. Position data that can be designated as argument is only position type data.
'!TITLE "Acquiring Y-axis Rotation Component"
' Acquiring Y-axis rotation component in the current position
Sub Sample_PosRY
Dim aaa As Single
Dim bbb As Position
bbb = CurPos
' Assign Y-axis rotation component of bbb to aaa
aaa = PosRY( bbb )
' Display Y-axis rotation component in the current position on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
End Sub
ID : 3948