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ID : 6817

String Function

Command name Function
Asc To return a character code of the first character in the designated string by integer type data.
Chr To return characters corresponding to the designated character code.
SprintF To convert an expression to a specified format and return it as a string.
Format Return string type data for the designated expression format.
InStr To return a position of a specific string within a string.
InStrRev Start searching a designated string in any string from the end of the character position, then return the character position of the string (number of characters from the beginning to the character) when it appears first.
Left To return a string of the specified number of characters from the left end.
Len To return the number of characters of a specified string.
Mid To return a string of the specified number of characters at the specified position from the string.
Right To return a string of the specified number of characters from the right end.
Val To convert string type data into numeric value.
Bin To convert integer type data into binary string type data.
Hex To return a numeric value by hexadecimal string type data.
Str To convert numeric value data into string type data and return the data.
LTrim To delete a leading space in a string.
RTrim To delete a tailing space in a string.
LCase Return a value "alphabetical lower case" after converting from upper case.
UCase Return a value "alphabetical upper case" after converting from lower case.
RealPath To convert a relative path into an absolute path.
MsgBox Displays a message in a dialogue box, and returns value of clicked button.

ID : 6817

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