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ID : 7274

Annual Inspection

An annual inspection is required for COBOTTA to check if the position detection function and the speed detection function run correctly.

The position detection function and the speed detection function are diagnosed by moving each axis of COBOTTA at more than a certain angle. This action is called a "diagnosis motion". Meanwhile, a certain angle at which the diagnosis motion is performed is called a "diagnosis motion angle". The diagnosis motion angle of each axis is as follows:

Axis Diagnosis motion angle
1st axis 70°
2nd axis 35°
3rd axis
4th axis 70°
5th axis
6th axis

You can perform the diagnosis motion using TP App or a robot program. For the description of each method, refer to the following appropriate reference:

Information item


Method by TP App

Perform the diagnosis motion using TP App.

TP App is also used to set the motion range of each axis.

Method by Robot Program

Perform the diagnosis motion using a robot program.

  • An annual inspection can be performed in COBOTTA software version 2.6.* or later.
  • Before inspection, make sure that nobody is around COBOTTA.

ID : 7274

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