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ID : 409



Change a timeout setting value of the motion instruction.


MotionTimeout True/False, timeout period

Guaranteed entry

Enable/Disable the servo lock by an integer type data.
To enable this command, enter True or an integer other than 0.
To disable this command, enter False or 0.
Timeout period
Designate a timeout period by integer type data. The unit is ms (millisecond). You can set a value in the range of 1 to 30000.
In case of "False," no designation is needed.


A timeout setting value of the motion instruction is changed.

To execute this statement, the task needs to acquire the all valid axis control.

Related Terms



Timeout period is controlled in 8 ms periods, so 8 will be set when you enter a value in the range of 1 to 7.


'!TITLE "Changing Timeout Setting Value of Motion Instruction"
' Set timeout time of motion instruction and move motion to bbb
Sub Sample_MotionTimeout

  TakeArm Keep = 0

  Dim aaa As Position
  Dim bbb As Position

  aaa = CurPos
  bbb = Dev( aaa, P( -200, 200, 100, 0, 0, 0, -1 ) )

  ' Enable timeout time in 3 seconds
  MotionTimeout True, 3000

  ' Move to coordinate position of bbb
  Move P, @E bbb

  ' Disable timeout time
  MotionTimeout False

End Sub

ID : 409

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