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ID : 1970

Options for Robot Unit

Type Item/Remarks Part No.
Motor & encoder cable Models except UL-Listed ones Standard cable
(for standard type)
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-533*
4 m 410141-534*
6 m 410141-535*
12 m 410141-536*
20 m 410141-537*
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-545*
4 m 410141-546*
6 m 410141-547*
12 m 410141-548*
20 m 410141-549*
Splash-proof cable
(for dust- & splash-proof type and cleanroom type)
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-539*
4 m 410141-540*
6 m 410141-541*
12 m 410141-542*
20 m 410141-543*
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-551*
4 m 410141-552*
6 m 410141-553*
12 m 410141-554*
20 m 410141-555*
For VS
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-556*
4 m 410141-557*
6 m 410141-558*
12 m 410141-559*
20 m 410141-560*
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-561*
4 m 410141-562*
6 m 410141-563*
12 m 410141-564*
20 m 410141-565*



(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-651*
4 m 410141-652*
6 m 410141-653*
12 m 410141-654*
20 m 410141-655*
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-664*
4 m 410141-665*
6 m 410141-666*
12 m 410141-667*
20 m 410141-668*
UL-Listed models

Splash-proof cable (HM, HS)

(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-442*
4 m 410141-368*
6 m 410141-369*
12 m 410141-370*
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-567*
4 m 410141-568*
6 m 410141-569*
12 m 410141-570*
For VS (VS)
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-456*
4 m 410141-457*
6 m 410141-458*
12 m 410141-459*
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-512*
4 m 410141-513*
6 m 410141-514*
12 m 410141-515*



(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-672*
4 m 410141-673*
6 m 410141-674*
12 m 410141-675*
(Outer Dimensions
2 m 410141-676*
4 m 410141-677*
6 m 410141-678*
12 m 410141-679*
For VS External battery unit With 4 m cable 410076-036*
With 8 m cable 410076-037*
With 12 m cable 410076-038*
Brake release unit With 4 m cable 410191-006*
With 8 m cable 410191-007*
With 12 m cable 410191-008*
Air purge unit Only for protected type robots(IP67) 410690-005*
Second arm cover R (with tapped holes)
for VS-050 / 060
Only for standard type robots(IP40) 411040-103*
Second arm cover R (with tapped holes)
for VS-068 / 087
Only for standard type robots(IP40) 411040-050*
Robot protective jacket set for food processing For VS-068 410389-313*
For VS-087 410389-314*
Robot protective jacket for food processing For VS-068 410381-989*
For VS-087 410381-990*
For HM Flange kit For 10 kg payload 410329-007*
For 20 kg payload 410329-008*
For HS, HSA1 Flange kit 410329-006*
For HSR Flange kit 410329-020*
External battery unit With 4 m cable 410076-036*
With 8 m cable 410076-037*
With 12 m cable 410076-038*
Stopper with wiring protection 410509-001*
Wiring protection kit (Bellows type) 410509-005*
Cover kit for External cable unit For HSR048 410509-002*
Cover kit for External cable unit For HSR055 410509-003*
Cover kit for External cable unit For HSR065 410509-004*
Cover kit for External cable unit
(For HSR048, installed in the splash-proof type robot before shipment) (Note 1)
For HSR048 410509-006*
Cover kit for External cable unit
(For HSR055, installed in the splash-proof type robot before shipment) (Note 1)
For HSR055 410509-007*
Cover kit for External cable unit
(For HSR065, installed in the splash-proof type robot before shipment) (Note 1)
For HSR065 410509-008*
Connector for Ethernet option 410877-098*
For XR Valve assembly

Single shipment (supply part)

4-station manifold valve

Valve assembly

Robot mounting shipping

4-station manifold valve

Hand control cabling kit 410879-047*
Hand control cable 2 m 410870-335*

Note 1: This unit has no cleanroom type because the friction between the Wiring protection kit and a cable may produce dusts.

ID : 1970

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