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ID : 2155

Precautions for Use of WINCAPSIII, EMU

Cooperative Control Dual Arm Tool

Structure of a Project for Cooperative Control Function

In a project for cooperative control function, slave robot projects are included in the master robot project, as shown below.
Folder names of Robots and the followings are fixed.

Creating a Project for Cooperative Control Function

To create a new project for cooperative control function, in principle, receive necessary data from a controller. If you create a new project based on an existing project, you need to select a project whose IO types and number of variables match with that of the actual robot unit.

Sending a Project for Cooperative Control Function

Coordinate Robot Tool sends whole project at one time. Note that all data, which includes parameters (such as variables, programs, and IO types), will be overwritten by the data to be send.

When You Send or Receive Specific Data

If you intend to send or receive specific data, such as variables or programs, use WINCAPSIII.


Opening a Project of a Slave Robot

To open a slave robot project with WINCAPSIII, from a project for cooperative control function, select a slave robot project file (wpj.) that is in the "Robots\Robot*" folder or lower.

Restrictions on a Slave Robot

If a slave robot is selected, following functions will be disabled.

  • [Connect] - [Monitor Communication] - [Online(Monitor/Debug)]
  • [Debug] - [Simulation mode]
  • Arm operation

Monitoring of Slave Robots

Use EMU for monitoring of slave robots.


Adding a Slave Robot

Any projects created for a slave robot cannot be added to EMU alone. To simulate a cooperative control function system, add a master robot stored in the cooperative control function project. The slave robots included in the project will be automatically imported as well.

Projects Whose Robots Have Moved

Any projects whose robots have moved with WINCAPSIII ([Arm Modeling] - [Move Robot Data]) cannot be used in EMU.

IO Link Function

The IO link function is not supported in the slave robot.

ID : 2155

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