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ID : 5102



Sets the parameters of collision detection for the specified table number.


SetCollisionDetection table number, target axis, detection level, mode

Guaranteed Entry


Table number
Select a table number to set "1 to 10." Designate integer type data.
Target axis

Set axes for which to enable collision detection. Designate 8 bits of integer type data.

In the following example, "3" is set to specify the 1st and 2nd axes.


Detection level
Set the detection level. Designate joint type data.
Select "0: Cause an error" or "1: Not cause an error." Designate integer type data.


Sets the parameters of collision detection for the specified table number.


  • If collision is incorrectly detected, increase the detection level and decrease the collision detection sensitivity.


Sub Main                                  'Start the program.                         
 TakeArm keep = 1                         'Get axis control for the arm group.
 SetCollisionDetection 1,3,J(300,200,0,0,0,0),0      'Set the table number, target 
                                                     'axis, detection level,
                                                     'and mode.
                                                     'Specify J1 and J2 and monitor 
                                                     'them on the detection level.
                                                     'If the detection level is 
                                                     'exceeded, an error is caused. 
End Sub                                              'End of program.

ID : 5102

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