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ID : 5287

Motion When Posture Control is OFF

Operation path : [M-MOD] key on the teach pendant

When the robot passes vicinity of the singular point in X-Y mode or TOOL mode, a specific axis starts moving suddenly to retain the posture, then as a result, error may occur and robot may stop.
To set "Posture Control" OFF state, robot is able to avoid such motion and enhance easy of use.

X,Y,Z Key Operation

When operating X, Y or Z key of the teach pendant, tool end moves along with X, Y or Z-axis respectively. 4th, 5th and 6th-axis keeps same degree as when the robot starts moving.

RX, RY, RZ Key Operation

When operating RX, RY or RZ key of the teach pendant, posture changes with keeping the robot tool end position as is. Axes to be moved are first, second and third-axis and the axis whose key is pressed.

  • RX key : Rotate 4th-axis to changes robot posture. 5th and 6th-axis does not move.
  • RY key : Rotate 5th-axis to changes robot posture. 4th and 6th-axis does not move.
  • RZ key : Rotate 6th-axis to changes robot posture. 4th and 5th-axis does not move.
When Tool mode is selected, robot moves based on the X, Y and Z-axis at the time of robot starts to operate.


ID : 5287

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