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ID : 1721

Displaying Program List Window (Manual Mode)

Operation path : Basic screen - [F1 Program]

Display the registered program list display.

Press [F1 Program] when in manual mode to display the following [Program list] window.


Keys other than function keys

Display 3D image of the robot. For information about operation keys, refer to " Displaying Current Position Information and 3D Image of Robot ".

Button turns blue while robot button is pressed.

Var Display a static variable monitoring window.
Error Display syntax error log information.
Reset [Program reset] window opens. Select either "Only this program" or "All programs", and press [OK] to reset the target program.
Root Move to the highest folder hierarchy.
Up Move to the folder hierarchy that is one higher than the current one.
Path Enter path in the displayed file path input screen, and press [OK] to move to the specified file path.
Display Display contents of the selected folder and file.
Prev Display the previous page of the currently displayed program list.
Next Display the next page of the currently displayed program list.

Display file name search window.

Enter file name, and press [OK] to search the entered file name.

Up Move to the folder hierarchy that is one higher than the current one.
Display Display contents of the selected folder and file.
Make On Boot Setting

A Make On Boot Setting-enabled program is compiled at the time of controller startup.
Since the program is pre-checked, it performs quicker only at the first time of controller startup.
However, if there are too many Make On Boot Setting-enabled programs, it takes long time to activate the controller.
Select either of the following, and press [OK] to set.

  • Set this program used in the project
  • Turn On in the current folder
  • Turn Off in the current folder
  • Turn On all the programs・Turn Off all the programs

For details of operation, refer to the "PRE-CHECK of the Program " of START UP MANUAL.

Available function keys
[F1 New]

Display the screen to create new program.

Enter program name, and press [OK] to display contents of new program. The pre-prepared sample programs including "Pick & Place" and "Palletizing" can be also selected and used.
New folders and new header files are also created in the screen to create new program.

[F2 Delete] Deletes the selected folder or file.
[F3 Copy] Copy the selected file.
[F4 Paste] Paste the copied file.
[F5 Edit] Select program in the program list, and press [Edit] to display contents of selected program. Then, edit the program.
[F6 Aux] Change settings associated with start and stop of program and supervisory task.
[F9 Encrypt/Decrypt] Encrypt and decrypt the selected file.
For detailed information, refer to "Program Code Encryption" in PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL.
[F10 FileLock/Unlock] Prevent users from editing specified program. Use a password to lock/unlock.
For detailed information, refer to "Lock Function" in FUNCTION GUIDE.
[F11 Rename] String input window will be displayed. Enter new file name, and press [OK] to change the file name.
[F12 Check Syntax] Display system message that prompts you to select either "Only select program" or "All programs of use condition". Select one of them, and press [OK] to execute syntax check for the target program.


ID : 1721

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