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ID : 1719

Displaying Program List Window (Automatic Mode)

Press [F1 Program] on the basic screen of automatic mode to display the following program list window.


Keys other than function keys
Robot Display 3D image of the robot during the machine lock. For information about operation keys, refer to " Displaying Current Position Information and 3D Image of Robot ".
Button turns blue while robot button is pressed.
Var Display a static variable monitoring window.
Error Display syntax error log information.
Reset Reset the selected program or reset all programs.
Root Move to root of folder.
Up Move to the folder hierarchy that is one higher than the current one.
Path Enter the file path on the displayed file path input screen, and press [OK] to move to the specified file path.
Display Display contents of the selected folder and file.
Prev Move to the previous page of the currently displayed program list.
Next Move to the next page of the currently displayed program list.
Search Enter the file name on the displayed file name search screen, and press [OK] to search the entered file name.
Up Move to the folder hierarchy that is one higher than the current one.
Display Display contents of the selected folder and file.
Available function keys
[F1 Halt] Halt the program being executed.
[F2 StepStop] Execute step stop of the program being executed.
[F3 CycleStop] Execute cycle stop of the program being executed.
[F4 Start] Execute single-cycle start or continuous start of the selected program.
[F6 StepStart]

Execute step feed start of the selected program.

Step In and Step Over are available.

What's Step In : Run into the procedure called from current program.

What's Step Over : Run over the procedure called from current program.

[F7 Reset] Reset the selected program or reset all programs.
[F9 Priority] Set priority of program (low to high).
[F10 Continue Start] Execute continue start of all programs that are under suspension.
[F11 Display] Display contents of the selected folder and file.

ID : 1719

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