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ID : 3462



To set the threshold value for the vacuum detection of an electric vacuum generator.

This command is available in Ver.2.8.* or higher.


HandSetDetectThreshold Vacuum detection threshold value

Guaranteed Entry

Vacuum detection threshold value
Specify the threshold value to determine if a workpiece is gripped with a vacuum generator by double precision real number type data. (kPa)


To set the threshold value for the vacuum detection of an electric vacuum generator.

If the vacuum detection threshold value is not specified when vacuum operation is performed, the threshold value specified by this command will be used. The threshold value specified by this command is maintained until the default threshold value is configured in the hand window or until the power is turned off.

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'!TITLE "Set the electric vacuum generator vacuum detection threshold value"
' Set the electric vacuum generator vacuum detection threshold value
Sub Sample_HandSetDetectThreshold

  Dim aaa As Double
  aaa = 1500

  ' Set the electric vacuum generator vacuum detection threshold value
  HandCurPressure aaa

End Sub

ID : 3462

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