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ID : 7186



To return the state of whether the gripper's finger is within the designated range or not.



Return Value

Return whether if the gripper's finger is within the designated range by integer type data.


This command returns whether the gripper's finger is positioned within the designated area after the execution of [Constant-Speed Movement and Grip with ZON Output (OPEN) Mode] of HandChuck command, [Constant-Speed Movement and Grip with ZON Output (CLOSE) Mode] of HandChuck command, or HandMoveZH command by integer type data.

Return value In-Range status
-1 (True) In range
0 (False) Out of range

Related Terms

Use of Hand Page




'!TITLE "Judge whether an electric gripper locates within the set range"
' Display whether an electric gripper locates within the set range on the message output window
Sub Sample_HandZonState

 Dim aaa As Integer
 Dim bbb As Integer

 ' Assign the value which describes out of range state to aaa 
 aaa = HandZonState

 ' Perform asynchronous traveling and gripping motion of electric gripper 0' 
 ’ with ZON range 1;1.0[mm], ZON range2;5[mm], 
 '  and gripping force 20[N] toward closing direction.
 Hand.MoveZH 1.0, 5.0, 20, True, Next

 ' Wait till 0.1sec passes
 Delay 100

 ' Assign the value which describes within the range state to bbb
 bbb = HandZonState

 ' Wait till an electric gripper completes the motion
 Wait HandBusyState = 0

 ' Display the value "0" which describes out of range state on the message output window
 PrintDbg aaa

 ' Display the value "-1" which describes within the range state on the message output window
 PrintDbg bbb

End Sub

ID : 7186

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