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ID : 7183



To return the hand gripping status.  If an electric vacuum generator is used, this command returns the vacuum state of a workpiece.



Return Value

Return the gripper's gripping state by integer type data.


The gripping state which is achieved by the command just before is returned.

If an electric vacuum generator is used, this command determines the vacuum state of a workpiece by comparing the pressure sensor's value and the vacuum detection threshold value.

Return value Hand status State of electric vacuum generator
-1 (True) Gripping. Holding.
0 (False) Not gripping. Not Holding.

Related Terms

Use of Hand Page




'!TITLE "Acquire the hand gripping status of an electric gripper"
' Acquire the hand gripping status of an electric gripper and display it on the message output window
Sub Sample_HandHoldState

 Dim aaa As Integer

 ' Assign the value which describes within the range to aaa 
 aaa = HandHoldState

 ' Display the value "0" which means releasing the gripper on the message output window 
 PrintDbg aaa

End Sub

ID : 7183

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