ID : 7183
To return the hand gripping status. If an electric vacuum generator is used, this command returns the vacuum state of a workpiece.
The gripping state which is achieved by the command just before is returned.
If an electric vacuum generator is used, this command determines the vacuum state of a workpiece by comparing the pressure sensor's value and the vacuum detection threshold value.
Return value | Hand status | State of electric vacuum generator |
-1 (True) | Gripping. | Holding. |
0 (False) | Not gripping. | Not Holding. |
Related Terms
'!TITLE "Acquire the hand gripping status of an electric gripper"
' Acquire the hand gripping status of an electric gripper and display it on the message output window
Sub Sample_HandHoldState
Dim aaa As Integer
' Assign the value which describes within the range to aaa
aaa = HandHoldState
' Display the value "0" which means releasing the gripper on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
End Sub
ID : 7183