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ID : 2271



Obtain the exclusive control status.

This command is available in Ver.1.12.* or later.


ExclusiveControlStatus (Mode[, Exclusive controller number])

Guaranteed Entry

Specify the status you want to obtain by integer type data.
Designated value Description Condition
0 Exclusive control validity state ON: Enabled
OFF: Disabled
1 Exclusive control existing state ON: Existing
OFF: Not existing
2 Exclusive control wait state ON: Waiting
OFF: Not waiting
Exclusive controller number
Specify an exclusive controller number by integer type data.This should be the master controller's robot if this is omitted.
0: Exclusive control IP (0)
1: Exclusive control IP (1)
2: Exclusive control IP (2)
3: Exclusive control IP (3)

Return Value

The state of the specified mode is set to a corresponding bit of a 32-bit array, and is returned by integer type data.

Returns "1" if the mode status is ON and "0" if OFF.


    I0 = ExclusiveControlStatus( 1, 1 ) 'Obtain the exclusive control status of Robot 1

If the return value is "I0 = 5 (&B101)", it indicates that Robot 1 enters Exclusive Areas 0 and 2.


This function allows to obtain the exclusive control status of the specified exclusive control robot.

When the cooperative control function and the exclusive control function are used together, you can specify the robot that you intend to obtain the status by entering robot names (Example: Robot0, Robot1). For example, writing the following program enables to obtain the Robot1 status.

 I0 = Robot1.ExclusiveControlStatus( 1 )

However, if both the robot name the exclusive controller number are used together, the exclusive controller number is given the priority over the robot name. Suppose that the following program is written.

 I0 = Robot1.ExclusiveControlStatus( 1, 0 )

In this case, Robot1 (slave controller) is ignored and the status of the exclusive controller number 0 (master controller) will be obtained.

The robot names are available for the robot controller which software version is 2.5.* or higher. If a robot name is entered in the robot controller which software version is older, the robot name will be ignored.
Suppose that the following program is written.

 I0 = Robot1.ExclusiveControlStatus( 1 )

In this case, Robot1 (slave controller) is ignored and the status of robot connecting to the own controller will be obtained. In the cooperative control function, only the master controller can execute robot programs. Therefore, the status of robot connecting to the master controller will be obtained.





ID : 2271

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