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ID : 2708



To get a state of a button of COBOTTA when using the Mirror Control.

This command is available in Ver.2.13.* or later.


GetSlaveButtonStateCOBOTTA buttons

Guaranteed Entry

COBOTTA buttons

Specify a button on the arm of COBOTTA to be obtained the state with integer type data.
0: Function button
1: Gripper plus button
2: Gripper minus button

Return Value

Return the state of the button with an array of variant type. The data type of each element is integer type.
1st element : Number of times the button was pressed and released
2nd element : If the button is pressed at present, it is "1". If not pressed, it is "0".


This command obtains a state of a button of COBOTTA connected when using the Mirror Control.


The pressed number of the button increases at the timing of the target button is released after pressing.


'!TITLE "State check of COBOTTA button"
' Check the state of COBOTTA function button
Sub Sample_GetSlaveButtonState

   Dim vntRet As Variant
   vntRet = GetSlaveButtonState(0)

   ' Number of times the button was pressed and released
   I[0] = vntRet(0)

   ' Check whether the button is pressed or not
   I[1] = vntRet(1)

End Sub

ID : 2708

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