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ID : 7340


To read robot-related information, such as robot motion status, from a robot controller and save it to a robot variable.

Graphic expression AOI category

Input and Output Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range Conditions for Input and Output
AxesGroup eRC_AxesGroup -
Robot group
Specify a robot variable (structured type data : eRC_AxesGroup) of user-defined type.
InAddress ARRAY[0..63] of DINT -
EtherNet/IP input tag
Specify an input tag that has been generated in EtherNet/IP communication setting.

Input Variable


Output Variable


Function Description

To read robot-related information, such as robot motion status, from a robot controller and save it to a robot variable (Structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup).
In actual operation, robot controller information is stored in the "Status" variable which is in the robot variable (structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup).

For "InAddress" variable, specify an input tag that has been generated in EtherNet/IP communication setting. (In the following sample, [DN_Robot_EIP:I.Data] is selected.)

For the way of EtherNet/IP communication setting, refer to "Hardware Configurations" of Command-Slave application guide_Rockwell.


The value of the variable "Status"(*1) updated in this AOI is used to control the robot by other AOI of Command-Slave. If the value of the variable "Status" is old, the robot may not be controlled properly by other AOI of Command-Slave.
Therefore, be sure to place this AOI at the beginning of the program.

*1 : "Status" variable is a variable that is stored in the robot variable (structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup).

ID : 7340

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