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ID : 7341


To send the content of a robot variable to a robot controller. It also changes the external speed of the robot controller.

Graphic expression AOI category

Input and Output Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range Conditions for Input and Output
AxesGroup eRC_AxesGroup -
Robot group
Specify a robot variable (structured type data : eRC_AxesGroup) of user-defined type.
OutAddress ARRAY[0..63] of DINT -
EtherNet/IP output tag
Specify an output tag that has been generated in EtherNet/IP communication setting.

Input Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range
Override Integer 1 to 100
External speed
Specify the external speed. The unit is "%".

Output Variable

Variable name Data type / Description
Error Boolean
Error presence
TRUE: This AOI ended abnormally.
FALSE : This AOI ended successfully.
ErrorID Integer
Error location
2800 : The error occurred in the PLC program.
2801 : The error occurred in the robot controller.
ErrorIDEx DInt
Error Code
This is a number to identify the error description.
For details, refer to "Error code list".

Function Description

To send the content of a robot variable (structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup) to a robot controller.

In actual operation, "Cmd" variable which is in the robot variable (structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup) is sent to a robot controller.

For OutAddress, specify an output tag that has been generated in EtherNet/IP communication. (In the following sample, [DN_Robot_EIP:O.Data] is selected.)

For the way of EtherNet/IP communication setting, refer to "Hardware Configurations" of Command-Slave application guide_Rockwell.


The value of the variable "Cmd" (*1) updated in other AOI of Command-Slave is transmitted to the robot controller by this AOI. Unless the value of the variable "Cmd" is transmitted to the robot controller, the robot cannot be controlled.
Therefore, be sure to place this AOI in the end of the program.

*1 : "Cmd" variable is a variable that is stored in the robot variable (structured type data: eRC_AxisGroup).

ID : 7341

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