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ID : 7435


To operate a robot with Joint mode from TP panel.

Graphic expression AOI category

Input and Output Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range Conditions for Input and Output
AxesGroup eRC_AxesGroup -
Robot group
Specify a robot variable (structured type data : eRC_AxesGroup) of user-defined type.

Input Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range
Axis1_Plus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
1st-axis (+)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 1st-axis of robot moves to the positive direction.
Axis2_Plus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
2nd-axis (+)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 2nd-axis of robot moves to the positive direction.
Axis3_Plus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
3rd-axis (+)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 3rd-axis of robot moves to the positive direction.
Axis4_Plus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
4th-axis (+)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 4th-axis of robot moves to the positive direction.
Axis5_Plus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
5th-axis (+)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 5th-axis of robot moves to the positive direction.
Axis6_Plus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
6th-axis (+)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 6th-axis of robot moves to the positive direction.
Axis7_Plus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
7th-axis (+)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 7th-axis of robot moves to the positive direction.
Axis8_Plus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
8th-axis (+)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 8th-axis of robot moves to the positive direction.
Axis1_Minus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
1st-axis (-)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 1st-axis of robot moves to the negative direction.
Axis2_Minus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
2nd-axis (-)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 2nd-axis of robot moves to the negative direction.
Axis3_Minus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
3rd-axis (-)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 3rd-axis of robot moves to the negative direction.
Axis4_Minus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
4th-axis (-)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 4th-axis of robot moves to the negative direction.
Axis5_Minus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
5th-axis (-)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 5th-axis of robot moves to the negative direction.
Axis6_Minus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
6th-axis (-)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 6th-axis of robot moves to the negative direction.
Axis7_Minus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
7th-axis (-)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 7th-axis of robot moves to the negative direction.
Axis8_Minus Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
8th-axis (-)
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, the 8th-axis of robot moves to the negative direction.
Inching Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
Inching mode setting
When this signal changes from FALSE to TRUE, inching mode is enabled.
Axis_InchingResolution Real 0.0001 to 0.1
Set moving angle of each Joint in inching mode.
Set moving angle of each Joint in inching mode. Unit is degree.
XY_InchingResolution Real 0.01 to 1
Set moving distance for XY/Tool in inching mode.
Set moving distance for XY/Tool in inching mode. Unit is millimeter.

Output Variable

Variable name Data type / Description
Status Boolean
JOG motion state
TRUE : Jogging state
FALSE : Not jogging state
Error Boolean
Error presence
TRUE: This AOI ended abnormally.
FALSE : This AOI ended successfully.
ErrorID Integer
Error location
2800 : The error occurred in the PLC program.
2801 : The error occurred in the robot controller.
ErrorIDEx DInt
Error Code
This is a number to identify the error description.
For details, refer to "Error code list".

Function Description

The following figure shows the robot motion in Joint mode.

6-axis robot 4-axis robot
Drives each of the six Joints independently. Drives each of the four Joints independently.


To execute this AOI, AOI with the AOI category "Motion" needs to be made executable.
To make AOI with the AOI category "Motion" executable, use the AOI "MC_Power".

ID : 7435

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