ID : 7420
Settings of Functions and Conditions
AOI name | Functions |
MC_ReadActualCPMode | To return CP interpolation mode setting. |
MC_ReadLoadConditions | To return the setting value of internal load conditions. |
MC_ReadSoftwareLimits | To return the software limit value. |
MC_ResetErAlw | To disable deviation tolerance function. |
MC_ResetGrvCtrl | To disable gravity compensation control function. |
MC_ResetGrvOffset | To disable the gravity offset setting function. |
MC_SetCpMode | To change CP interpolation mode setting. |
MC_SetErAlw | To set the value of deviation tolerance and to enable the function. |
MC_SetGrvCtrl | To enable gravity compensation control function. |
MC_SetGrvOffset | To enable gravity offset setting function. |
MC_SetSingularAvoid | To enable or disable singularity avoidance function. |
MC_WriteLoadConditions | To change the setting value of internal load conditions. |
MC_WriteSoftwareLimits | To set the software limit value. |
ID : 7420