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ID : 1755

CALSET Operation Using CALSET Jig

Operation path : [F2 Arm] - [F12 Maintenance] - [F7 CALSET] - [F1 CALSET]

To perform this operation, set the user level "Maintainer".

This operation requires CALSET jig.

This CALSET is done when motor is replaced.

Manually transfer robot to CALSET position, and perform CALSET using CALSET jig.

Press [F1 CALSET] to display the following [CALSET] window.

Ver.2.8.* or Higher

If the controller version is 2.8.* or later, the CALSET position is editable in the CALSET window.

The initial values for the CALSET position at the power-on are equal to the RANG values.

If CALSET is done after the power-on, the CALSET position that has been set at the CALSET operation will be displayed.

To individually select ON/OFF for each joint, directly touch ON/OFF characters of each joint to set.

Pressing [OK] on the window will execute CALSET by using the CALSET position displayed on the right side of the window.

Also, by pressing [F1 Read CALSET Pos], CALSET position or RANG values that have been saved in J-type variables can be read as the CALSET position.

Pressing [F1 Read CALSET Pos] will display the following window.

Select the target item to read, and then press [OK] to acquire the CALSET position.

Also, by pressing [F2 Save CALSET Pos], CALSET position that has been directly edited from the CALSET window can be saved in J-type variables.

Keys other than function keys
Restriction If "OFF" is selected, any axis where CALSET is not required can be selected as well.
Available function keys
[F1 Read CALSET Pos] Read J-type variables or RANG values as a CALSET position.
[F2 Save CALSET Pos] Save the CALSET position which is currently displayed in J-type variables.
[F3 Break] Display the brake setting.
[F4 Cancel All] Change all joints to "No CALSET (OFF)".
[F5 Edit] Display the value editor.
[F6 Select All]

Change all joints to "CALSET (ON)".

Change it ON, and press [OK] to execute CALSET.

Ver.2.7.* or Lower

To individually select ON/OFF for each joint, directly touch ON/OFF characters of each joint to set.

Keys other than function keys
(Ver.1.12.* or higher.)
If "OFF" is selected, any axis where CALSET is not required can be selected as well.
Available function keys
[F4 Cancel All] Change all joints to "No CALSET (OFF)".
[F6 Select All]

Change all joints to "CALSET (ON)".

Change it ON, and press [OK] to execute CALSET.

ID : 1755

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