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ID : 3651



To load a path data.


LoadPathPoint path point number

Guaranteed Entry

Path number
Designate path number (1 to 20) by integer type data.


Clear the path data of designated path number and load the path data in storage memory.


When turning on (starting up) a COBOTTA, path data will be loaded from storage memory automatically. So, you don't need to load them with this command except the following cases.

  • When ClrPathPoint has been done in the last minute.
  • When you set that path data will be cleared at the time of Takearm.
  • When you do AddPathPoint.


#Define Home P(300,0,300,180,0,180,-1)
#Define PartsNum I[10]
#Define BasePathNum 10

Sub Main
	Dim PathNum As Integer	'Path data for each part number
	Dim Pos As Position
	Dim n As Integer

	LoadPathPoint BasePathNum 'Initialization (Back to basic path data)
	PathNum = Int(PartsNum / 1000)	'Set a path number for the part number (4th digit)
	For n = 1 To GetPathPointCount(PathNum)
		Pos = GetPathPoint(PathNum, n)	'Load path point data for the part number
		AddPathPoint BasePathNum, Pos	'Add path point to the basic path
	Move S, BasePathNum, Speed = Mps(150)	'Move the robot by free curve interpolation
	Move P, Home
End Sub

ID : 3651

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