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ID : 3652

Move S


To move the robot by free curve interpolation.


Move S, path number[,motion option]

Guaranteed Entry

Path number
Designate a path number by integer type data. Target position option can be added to the path number.
Motion option
Designate a motion option.


The robot moves along the trajectory from the current position through the route designated by path number. The trajectory will be depicted as a smooth curve. The speed of TCP point keeps the constant speed on the curve except the time of acceleration/deceleration.


  • If a path point of the designated path number does not exist, an error occurs.
  • Arrive command is not available while the robot is moving by free curve interpolation.
  • If the parameter of [253:Use a start point in spline curve] is [1:Enable], an error occurs at the motion start timing unless the robot exists at the start point of free curve interpolation motion. If an error appears, move the robot to the start point.(This precaution is only for the software version 2.7.* or higher.)


#Define Home P(300,0,300,180,0,180,-1)
#Define PartsNum I[10]
#Define BasePathNum 10

Sub Main
	Dim PathNum As Integer	'Path data for each part number
	Dim Pos As Position
	Dim n As Integer

	LoadPathPoint BasePathNum 'Initialization (Back to basic path data)
	PathNum = Int(PartsNum / 1000)	'Set a path number for the part number (4th digit)
	For n = 1 To GetPathPointCount(PathNum)
		Pos = GetPathPoint(PathNum, n)	'Load path point data of the part number
		AddPathPoint BasePathNum, Pos	'Add path point to the basic path
	Move S, BasePathNum, Speed = Mps(150)	'Free curve interpolation moves the robot
	Move P, Home
End Sub

ID : 3652

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