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ID : 3672

Status/Value Obtainment

Commands Functions
ClearAccelometer To reset the cumulative sum of acceleration (including over the predetermined threshold value only) that has been applied to COBOTTA (hereafter, acceleration over the threshold value) to zero.
CurExJ To return the current angle of specified axis.
CurFig To return the current robot figure (FIG) value.
CurJnt To return the current angles of all axes by joint type data.
CurPos To return the current position of the robot by position type data.
CurTrn To return the current position of the robot by homogeneous translation type data.
DestJnt To return the current motion statement target position by joint type data.
DestPos To return the current motion statement target position by position type data.
DestTrn To return the current motion statement target position by homogeneous translation type data.
GetAccelometer To read the cumulative information of acceleration that has been applied to COBOTTA.
GetAllSrvData Get the data that can be obtained with GetSrvData and CurJnt, at a time with time stamp.
GetCCSConnection Acquires the wireless connection condition.
GetPackingJoint To return the robot posture at the factory default with the Joint type data.
GetSrvData To return the servo internal data of the all axis.
GetSrvJntData To return the servo internal data of the designated axis.
MotionComplete To judge whether or not a motion instruction is completed.
RobInfo Return the robot information.

ID : 3672

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