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ID : 4026

Realizing Variety of Motions

COBOTTA has variety of motion-related functions, for example, to move a COBOTTA through several path points smoothly, to weaken the torque on individual axis of COBOTTA.

The following describes about motion related functions.

Note that some functions may not be able to create with a COBOTTA World (Programming software).

Functions Related to Motion Path

Free curve interpolation
Assuming that you are going to apply an adhesive glue on an object which bonding surface is curved. With this function, you only have to specify several path points to smoothly move a COBOTTA though these points.

Functions Related to Motion Force

Current limiting function
This function weakens the torque on individual axis of COBOTTA.
Gravity compensation function
When the current limiting function is used, the force of COBOTTA is weakened at operation. If the force is weakened too much, the COBOTTA arm will give the gravity force and drop. Using the gravity compensation function will support the COBOTTA arm not to drop down in such case.
With the factory setting, this function is enabled.

Functions Related to the Motion State Management

Area function
This function issues an error and then stops a COBOTTA once an end-effector of COBOTTA exits or enters the predetermined virtual area. Users can set any virtual area. Also, this function can keep a COBOTTA moving when the end-effector exits or enters the virtual area, and inform an external device of the entry or exit.
Collision Detection Function
A function that detects a collision of the robot and the tool in the robot's hand with surroundings without using special sensors and stops the robot urgently to reduce the damages due to the collision.
With the factory setting, this function is enabled.
Virtual Fence
The Virtual Fence is a collision prevention function. Monitoring target objects, such as robots, tools, and equipment, are modeled by WINCAPS3.
Exclusive Control Function
Exclusive control function limits the number of robots working in the specified work area to one when multiple robots share one work area.
Supervisory task
A motion procedure of COBOTTA (robot program) stops if an error occurs after the start. A supervisory task is a robot program that keeps running even if an error occurs (except for fatal errors). However, a supervisory task cannot move a COBOTTA. Use this task if a COBOTTA needs to communicate with external devices after an error occurrence.

Functions Related to Motion Position

Simple position correction function
For any reason, if the COBOTTA's installation position is swerved, the operation path is also swerved in the same way. Simple position correction function corrects the swerve of COBOTTA's motion path even if the installation position of COBOTTA is swerved.
Normal vector calculation function
To vertically fit a workpiece into another tilted workpiece with a COBOTTA, you need to move the COBOTTA along with the slope of the tilted workpiece. In such case, it is difficult to precisely determine the angle of the tilted workpiece with our eyes. This normal vector calculation function calculates the slope of a workpiece by setting any three points on the workpiece and recording them to COBOTTA.

ID : 4026

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