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ID : 7175



To move a finger to the relative position.


HandMoveR travel distance, speed[, Next]

Guaranteed Entry

Travel distance
Designate the relative travel distance from the current position by single precision real number type data. (mm)
Designate the traveling speed by integer type data. (%)
Go on to the next line when the motion starts.


This command acts the same behavior as [Relative Position Movement Mode] of HandUnChuck.

Related Terms

Relative Movement Mode


  • If a workpiece is gripped by the absolute position move or the relative position move, overcurrent error, excessive position error, or motor overload error may occur. To grip a workpiece, use a command for gripping motion. Use the absolute position move and/or the relative position move only for releasing a workpiece or moving robot fingers.


'!TITLE "Move the electric gripper to a relative position"
' Perform relative position movement of the electric gripper by specified travel distance.  
Sub Sample_HandMoveR

  ' Perform relative position movement of the electric gripper
  ' to the designated relative position 5[mm] at speed 20[%]
  HandMoveR 5, 20

End Sub

ID : 7175

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