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ID : 7163

Relative Movement Mode

In Relative Movement mode, the fingers move from the current position for a specified moving distance.
The Inpos state starts when the movement for a specified moving distance is completed.

The following values can be specified:

Moving distance (mm)

The setting range is from -999.9 mm to 999.9 mm.
If a positive value is set, the right finger moves in a right direction (opening direction).

If a negative value is set, the right finger moves in a left direction (closing direction).
Speed (%) The setting range is from 1 to 100.



If a workpiece is gripped by the absolute position move or the relative position move, overcurrent error, excessive position error, or motor overload error may occur. To grip a workpiece, use a command for gripping motion. Use the absolute position move and/or the relative position move only for releasing a workpiece or moving robot fingers.

ID : 7163

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