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ID : 208



To reset a designated detection area.


ResetArea area number

Guaranteed entry

Area number
Designate an area number from 0 to 31 by Integer Type data.


A detection area of the designated area number is reset.


  • Detection area I/O signal is not turned Off when this command is executed.
  • The values set by this command are effective until the controller power OFF.
    Once the controller power turns OFF, the values will be cleared.
  • To retain values after the controller power OFF, set values with a teach pendant.
    Or alternatively, set with WINCAPSIII and send it to the robot controller. For details, refer to the "How to Display and Set Areas" of TEACH PENDANT OPERATION GUIDE or "Area Setting" of WINCAPSIII GUIDE.


'!TITLE "Disabling Detection Area"
' Disable detection of the area number 2
Sub Sample_ResetArea

  Dim aaa As Position
  Dim bbb As Vector

  aaa = P( 10, 10, 5, 0, 9, 0, 1 )
  bbb = V( 50, 10, 50 )

  ' Define an area specified by aaa, bbb in the area number 2
  Area  2, aaa, bbb, 24, 1

  ' Enable area check of the area number 2
  SetArea 2

  ' Disable area check of the area number 2
  ResetArea 2

End Sub

ID : 208

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