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ID : 309



To change the detection area setting value.


Area area number, center, size, I/O number, storage variable number
error detection setting] [, area option]

Guaranteed Entry

Area number
Designate an area number (0-31). Designate by Integer Type data.
Designate the position and rotation (inclination) of the center point of a detection area. Designate by Position Type data.
Designate the size (Dx, Dy, Dz) of an area by Vector Type data from area's center to corner.
I/O number
Designate an I/O port number to output signal at the time of detection. Designate by Integer Type data. Designate "-1" when no I/O output is performed. You cannot designate any non-existing port number or I/O port number that cannot output signals.
Storage variable number
Designate an index number of Position Type global variable to store the detection position. Designate by Integer Type data. Designate "-1" when no detection position is stored.
Error detection setting
Designate a detection method and error output. Designate by Integer Type data. This is an optional value. This should be "0" if this is omitted. For details, refer to FUCTION GUIDE "Interpreting a Detected Area Interference as an Error".
Area option
An optional function can be added. For details, refer to Area Option.


The detection area setting value is changed.
Area is still checked during motor-off state.


  • Any change to the currently valid area data is reflected and area detection is performed with the changed data.
  • If you the change work coordinates during area interference (area check) function enabled state, depending on the system, it will take up to 10ms before the new work coordinate is reflected into the interference check area judgment.
    To use the new work coordinate for the area interference check without fail, before you change the work coordinate, set the robot so that the area interference does not occur (such as stop the robot motion), wait until the new work coordinate is applied to the system, and restart the robot.
  • The values set by this command are effective until the controller power OFF.
    Once the controller power turns OFF, the values will be cleared.
  • To retain values after the controller power OFF, set values with a teach pendant.
    Or alternatively, set with WINCAPSIII and send it to the robot controller. For details, refer to the "How to Display and Set Areas" of TEACH PENDANT OPERATION GUIDE or "Area Setting" of WINCAPSIII GUIDE.


'!TITLE "Declaration of Detection Area"
' Declare the area number 2 as a detection target
Sub Sample_Area

  ' Define an area specified by P[50], V[10] in the area number 2
  Area 2, P[50], V[10], 24, 55

  ' Enable area check of the area number 2
  SetArea 2

  ' Disable area check of the area number 2
  ResetArea 2

End Sub

ID : 309

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