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ID : 789

Detect Function

Detect function is used to save robot coordinates at the time I/O signals are input.

I/O signals that can be input are Hand I/O or MiniI/O input signals. However, MiniI/O exclusive input signals cannot be specified.

For robot coordinates, select position type, joint type, or homogenous transform type data to be stored into global variables.

Executing the "DetectOn" command initializes the buffer of the specified port and enables the Detect function. When the function is enabled, the current position at the time the specified input signal is received is stored into the buffer."Executing the "DetectOff" command stores the data in the buffer into the specified global variable and disables the Detect function.

Each buffer is created separately and identified by a unique port number to edge specification combination.

Function Flow


Execute the "DetectOn" command to enble the function.


When the specified input signal is detected, position data is stored into the internal buffer.


Execute the "DetectOff" command to store data in the buffer into the specified global variable.

Detect Function Sample Program 1

A sample program for Pick & Place motion is shown below. Prior to the pick motion of a circular work, the center position of the work is acquired via the robot arm sensor, and positioning will be corrected as necessary.


#Include "Chuck_Unchuck.pcs"
#Define Home P(200,0,200,180,0,180,-1)	'Home position
#Define SenserToolNum 10	'Sensor's tool number
Sub Main
	Dim PickPos As Position	'Work (Pick) position
	Dim PlacePos As Position	'Work (Place) position
	PickPos = P(300,0,100,180,0,180,-1)	
			'Approximate position, some misalignment may be present
	PickPos = GetCenter(PickPos)	'Position correction program
	if PickPos = P(0,0,0,0,0,0,-1) Then Exit Sub
	Approach P, PickPos, 50
	Move L, PickPos
	Call Func_Chuck(On)	'Pick
	Depart L, 50, Speed = 50
	Approach P, PlacePos, 50, Speed = 50
	Move L, PlacePos, Speed = 50
	Call Func_Chuck(Off)	'Place
	Depart L, 50
	Move P, Home
End Sub

Function GetCenter(ByVal pPos As Position) As Position
	'Argument "pPos" is the approximate reference position (on the circular work).
	'Motion range is +/-100 mm in the X and Y axis directions from this position. 
	'Trigger I/O is port 128.
	'Storing variable for acquired data: I[10]
	Dim pGloNum As Integer = 10	
			'P type global variable number for sensor position aquisition
	Dim xPos As Single
	Dim yPos As Single
	Dim LastPos As Position	'Store previous position
	Dim LastToolNum As Integer	'Store previous tool number
	LastPos = CurPos
	LastToolNum = CurTool
	I[10] = 0	'Reset storing variable for acquired data
	ChangeTool SenserToolNum	'Change to sensor's tool coordinates

	'Sensing in the X direction
	Move P, Dev(pPos, P(-100,0,0))
	DetectOn 128, 257, pGloNum, 2, 10, 2	'Detect function ON
	Draw L, V(200,0,0), Speed = 10	'Move in the X direction
	DetectOff 128, 2	'Detect function OFF
	If I[10] <> 2 Then GoTo NotSense	'Abort if data could not be acquired
	xPos = 0.5 * (PosX(P[pGloNum + 0]) + PosX(P[pGloNum + 1]))
	'Sensing in the Y direction
	Move P, Dev(pPos, P(0,-100,0))	
	DetectOn 128, 257, pGloNum, 2, 10, 2	'Detect function ON
	Draw L, V(0,200,0), Speed = 10	'Move in the Y direction
	DetectOff 128, 2	'Detect function OFF
	If I[10] <> 2 Then GoTo NotSense	'Abort if data could not be acquired
	yPos = 0.5 * (PosY(P[pGloNum + 0]) + PosY(P[pGloNum + 1]))
	'Return to original state
	ChangeTool LastToolNum
	Move P, LastPos

	LetX pPos = xPos	'Substitute x
	LetY pPos = yPos	'Substitute y
	GetCenter = pPos 
	Exit Function  
NotSense:	'Return initial value when not sensed 
	GetCenter = P(0,0,0,0,0,0,-1) 	 
End Function

Detect Function Sample Program 2

A sample program is shown below, where the robot arm sensor first detects whether a work is present, and then proceeds with the pick motion.


'!TITLE "Detect function sample program"

#Define CountIValNum 3
#Define WorkPosPValNumStart 20
#Define pcsPosition 257
#Define SenserIONum 128
#Define MaxCount 10
#Define ScanStartPos P(800.00, 0.00, 50, -104.02, 90.00, -104.02, 5)
#Define ScanEndPos P(800.00, 0.00, 600, -104.02, 90.00, -104.02, 5)
#Define SenserToolNum 3
#Define HandToolNum 4
#Define Home P(466.64, 0.00, 558.33, 100.47, 90.00, 100.47, -1 )
#Define PlacePos P(0.00, 800.00, 100.00, 42.59, 90.00, 133.40, 1 )
'#Include "Chuck_Unchuck"

Sub Main
	Dim n As Integer	'Counter

	Move P, Home

	Changetool SenserToolNum
	Move P, ScanStartPos
	DetectOn SenserIONum, pcsPosition, WorkPosPValNumStart, MaxCount, CountIValNum
	Move L, ScanEndPos,speed = 10 
	DetectOff 128
	'If scan could not be performed correctly,
	If i[CountIValNum] = -1 Then GoTo ScanErr
	'move to each position that was scanned successfully to perform Pick & Place.
	For n = WorkPosPValNumStart To (WorkPosPValNumStart + i[CountIValNum] -1)
		Call PickAndPlace(p[n])

	Exit Sub	

ScanErr:	'Process when scan could not be performed correctly
End Sub

Sub PickAndPlace(ByVal TargetPos As Position)
	Dim LastToolNum As Integer
	LastToolNum = CurTool
	Dim LastWorkNum As Integer
	LastWorkNum = CurWork

	ChangeTool HandToolNum

	Approach p, TargetPos, 30
	Move L, TargetPos, Speed = 20
	Call FuncChuck(On)
	Depart L, 350 , Speed = 20

	Move L, PlacePos
	Call FuncChuck(Off)
	Depart L, 30 , Speed = 20
	ChangeTool LastToolNum
	ChangeWork LastWorkNum
	Move P, Home  
 End Sub

Related Terms

DetectOn, DetectOff, Hand I/O, MiniI/O

ID : 789

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