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ID : 1726

Settings Associated with Start/Stop of Supervisory Task

Operation path : [F1 Program] - [F6 Aux] - [F1 Program settings] - [SupervisorTask tab]

Perform settings associated with start and stop of supervisory task program.
Press [F1 Program settings] to display [ProgramSetting] window. Then, select [SupervisorTask] tab to display the following supervisory task setting window.

Change each setting, and press [OK] in [Program Setting] window to confirm the changed setting.

[StartUp after controller]

Perform start up settings for supervisory task program during power-on of controller.
Select the setting from "Not start", "SvrTask in root" and "All SvrTasks".(*1)

[StartUp if error was occurred]

If "SvrTask in root" or "All SvrTasks" is selected at startup setting, supervisory tasks are not started when an error occurs at controller startup.
If "Start" is selected in this option, supervisory tasks start even if an error occurs.
The alternatives are "Start" and "Not start".(*1)

[StartUp after AutoMode]

Perform start up settings for supervisory task program when the key switch of teach pendant is switched to automatic mode.
Select the setting from "Not start", "SvrTask in root" and "All SvrTasks".(*1)

[Program stop after error]

Set supervisory task program to stop when error occurs in the program.
Select the setting from "All SvrTasks" and "SvrTask with error".(*1)

[I/O Signal of Svr Task]

Set either I/O output or not during the execution of supervisory task program.
Also set I/O number for outputting.
Change settings by directly touching characters [ON] or [OFF] on the screen to choose I/O output or not.
Press [F5 OutputSignal] to display numeric keypad for I/O output. Enter I/O number to set, and press [OK] on the numeric keypad to set it.

(*1):Change settings by directly touching the screen.The selected section will be highlighted.


ID : 1726

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