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ID : 5173

Parameter List

Details of the parameter settings are shown below.

  • Set the parameter for each force control number (the parameter table number for the compliance function), as well as the control mode setting for each force control number.
  • However, if the function cannot be used with just those values, then also set the values listed under "Other Parameters" according to need.
  • The ForceParam. item names are written in [ ] in the “Item name” column.
  • Specifying excessive control force, small inertia, viscosity or spring value will cause a high speed operation of the robot. If the robot contacts with workpieces while high-speed operation, it will damage the force sensor and robot due to the excessive collision force.
    For safety reason, at the beginning of the adjustment, use the default values for spring, damp and mass, and then gradually decrease each values. For the control rate, start from the smallest value, and then gradually increase the value. Set "0%" to the direction that the force direction is not required.
  • For motion with constant-force pressure or fittings, you only need to adjust the viscosity parameter. Other parameters can be used as is. If you increase the viscosity, an error may occur at the force control start. In this case, increase the inertia parameter value.
  • When adjustment, set the Control force and Current limit first. Refer to "Adjustments" for about adjustment method.

Required Settings

Operation path : Top screen - [F2 Arm] - [F2 Force Control] - [F6 Setting]
Select the force control number (the parameter table number for the compliance function) from 1 through 10, and then press [OK].

Item name Units Range Details
Control mode - 0,1,3 Select a control mode.
0: Compliance Function
1: Compliance function with force sensor
3: Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control
Control coordinate
- 0,1,2 Select one of the following coordinates.
0: Base coordinates
1: Tool coordinates
2: Work coordinates
Control force
(X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ)
N -5000 to 5000

Required to control the robot. This value specifies the limit of force to be output.
The smaller the value set here, the more likely the robot's motion will be affected by or follow the direction of less external force.
Note: If [0: Compliance Function], which does not use the force sensor, is selected in the control mode selection, the control force varies depending on the posture and motion. Adjust the value considering with the actual force.

Nm -1000 to 1000

Other Parameters (set as required)

Operation path : Top screen - [F2 Arm] - [F2 Force Control] - [F12 Detail setting]
Select the force control number (the parameter table number for the compliance function) from 1 through 10, and then press [OK].
Only parameters used are displayed, according to the setting of the control mode described above.

Item name Units Range Details
Virtual damper
(X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ)
% 0 to 100 Determines the rate of resistive force, which increases according to speed.
Setting a small value here will allow faster movement.
Virtual spring
(X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ)
% 0 to 100 Determines the rate of return force strength, which increases according to position.
Setting a small value here will allow greater movement with less force.
Force offset
[OffSet=Offset Value]
(X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ)
N -100 to 100 Determines the force value required to lead the robot in a specified direction.
Note: Some motions may have a possibility that the robot moves unintended direction.
Nm -100 to 100
Position error allowance
[PosEralw=allowable position deviation]
(X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ)

0 to 1000

Determines the allowable deviation value for the arm end position.
If the control mode is [1: Compliance function with force sensor], the travel distance of the tool end from the force control start is monitored.
deg 0 to 360
Joint error allowance
[Eralw=allowable axis deviation]
(J1 to J8)
deg 0 to 1000 Determines the allowable servo deviation value of each axis.
If the control mode is [1: Compliance function with force sensor], the travel distance of each axis from the force control start is monitored.
This item is not available to extended-joints (J7 and J8) even if you enter any values.
Joint current limit
[CurLmt=current limit value]
(J1 to J8)
% 0 to 100 Determines the torque value (current value) of each axis.
The nominal value is 100 [%]. As this value decreases, the torque value (current value) reduces; as a result, the resistance will reduce.
This item is not available to extended-joints (J7 and J8) even if you enter any values.



ID : 5173

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