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ID : 5176



To set parameters for a force control function.


For Compliance Function

ForceParam force control number, coordinates,force [, CurLmt = current limit value][, PosEralw = allowable position deviation] [, Eralw = allowable axis deviation][, Spring = compliance] [, Damp = damping][, OffSet = offset value]

For Force Sensor Compliance Control

ForceParam force control number, coordinates, force [, Rate = control rate][, PosEralw = allowable position deviation] [, Eralw = allowable axis deviation][, Damp = damping] [, SpMax = maximum translation speed][, RSpMax = maximum rotation speed]
[, Mass = inertia][, Spring = compliance]

For Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control

ForceParam force control number, coordinates, force [,Rate = control rate][,PosEralw = allowable position deviation] [,Eralw = allowable axis deviation][,SpMax = maximum translation speed][,RSpMax = maximum rotation speed][,StiffLevel = Stiffness level of the contact object]

Guaranteed Entry

For Compliance Function

Force Control Number
Select a force control number (parameter table number for a force control function) from 1 to 10. Specify this parameter with Integer Type data.
Select a coordinate system from "0" (base coordinate system), "1" (tool coordinate system), and "2" (work coordinate system). Specify this parameter with Integer Type data.
Determines a force to be output to control the robot. The output force will not be greater than specified here. Lowering this value will allow the robot to follow a smaller external force. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ).
Current Limit Value
Determines the current limit. Specify this parameter with Joint Type data. This parameter can be omitted, and is invalid if specified for extended-joints (J7 and J8).
Allowable Position Deviation
Determines the allowable servo deviation of the position of the end of the arm. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Allowable Axis Deviation
Determines the allowable servo deviation of each axis. Specify this parameter with Joint Type data. This parameter can be omitted, and is invalid if specified for extended-joints (J7 and J8).
Determines the ratio of a returning force to the position. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Determines the ratio of a resistive force to the speed. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Offset Value
Determines the force to be applied to lead the robot in a specified direction. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.

For Force Sensor Compliance Control

Force Control Number
Select a force control number (parameter table number for a force control function) from 1 to 10. Specify this parameter with Integer Type data.
Select a coordinate system from "0" (base coordinate system), "1" (tool coordinate system), and "2" (work coordinate system). Specify this parameter with Integer Type data.
Determines a force to be output to control the robot. The output force will not be greater than specified here. Lowering this value will allow the robot to follow a smaller external force. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ).
Control Rate
Determines the control rates for the X-, Y- and Z directions and rotational directions around the X- , Y- and Z axes. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Basically, set the rate to 100% for the direction of a force that you intend to control. Set it to 0% for the direction of a force that you do not intend to control.
Allowable Position Deviation
Determines the allowable servo deviation of the position of the end of the arm. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Allowable Axis Deviation
Determines the allowable servo deviation of each axis. Specify this parameter with Joint Type data. This parameter can be omitted, and is invalid if specified for extended-joints (J7 and J8).
Determines the ratio of a resistive force to the speed. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Maximum Translation Speed
Determines the translation speed limit [mm/s] for the end of the arm. Specify this parameter with Integer Type, Single Precision Real Number Type, Double Precision Real Number Type, Variant Type, or String Type data. This parameter can be omitted.
Maximum Rotation Speed
Determines the rotation speed limit [deg/s] for the end of the arm. Specify this parameter with Integer Type,Single Precision Real Number Type, Double Precision Real Number Type,Variant Type, or String Type data. This parameter can be omitted.
Determines the ratio of a resistive force to the acceleration. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Determines the ratio of a returning force to the position. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.

For Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control

Force Control Number
Select a force control number (parameter table number for a force control function) from 1 to 10. Specify this parameter with Integer Type data.
Select a coordinate system from "0" (base coordinate system), "1" (tool coordinate system), and "2" (work coordinate system). Specify this parameter with Integer Type data.
Determines the force to be output to control the robot. The output force will not be greater than specified here. Lowering this value will allow the robot to follow a smaller external force. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ).
Control Rate
Determines the control rates for the X, Y, Z directions and rotational directions around the X-, Y-, and Z-axes. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Basically, set the rate to 100% for the direction of a force that you intend to control. Set it to 0% for the direction of a force that you do not intend to control.
Allowable Position Deviation
Determines the allowable servo deviation of the position of the end of the arm. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.
Allowable Axis Deviation
Determines the allowable servo deviation of each axis. Specify this parameter with Joint Type data. This parameter can be omitted, and is invalid if specified for extended-joints (J7 and J8).
Maximum Translation Speed
Determines the translation speed limit [mm/s] for the end of the arm. Specify this parameter with Integer Type, Single Precision Real Number Type, Double Precision Real Number Type, Variant Type, or String Type data. This parameter can be omitted.
Maximum Rotation Speed
Determines the rotation speed limit [deg/s] for the end of the arm. Specify this parameter with Integer Type, Single Precision Real Number Type, Double Precision Real Number Type, Variant Type, or String Type data. This parameter can be omitted.
Stiffness Level of the Contact Object
Determines the stiffness level of a contact object for the selected force control number. Specify this parameter with Position Type data (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). This parameter can be omitted.


This command allows you to specify parameters for a force control function.
For force control functions, refer to "FORCE CONTROL FUNCTION" of FUNCTION GUIDE.
For details of the parameters, refer to “Parameter List” of Compliance Function, “Parameter Settings for Force Sensor Compliance Control” of Force Sensor Compliance Control, and “Parameter Settings for Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control” of Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control of FUNCTION GUIDE.


  • 5-axis robots do not support this command.
  • This command must be executed with a task that has obtained robot control (by "TakeArm"). If the command is executed without robot control, the error "83501024 Arm semaphore cannot be acquired." may occur.
  • This command cannot be executed during the force control executed by Compliance Function. If the command is executed during the force control, the error "83201535 Cannot be set while force control is enabled." may occur.
  • While force control is executed by Force Sensor Compliance Control or Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control, only the “Force” parameter can be changed. To change Damping, Inertia, or Compliance during the force control, use the ForceChangeTable command.
  • When the "coordinates" parameter is set to "1" (tool coordinate system), a tool coordinate system used when force control is enabled (when "ForceCtrl" is executed) continues to be used. Although the tool coordinate system can be changed during force control by executing the "ChangeTool" command, such a change may cause unstable movements of the robot, leading to an error. To avoid this, do not change the tool coordinate system during force control.
  • When the "coordinates" parameter is set to "2" (work coordinate system), a work coordinate system used when force control is enabled (when "ForceCtrl" is executed) continues to be used. Although the work coordinate system can be changed during force control by executing the "ChangeWork" command, such a change may cause unstable movements of the robot, leading to an error. To avoid this, do not change the work coordinate system during force control.
  • Note that the robot may move in a direction in which offset force or moment is applied. In such cases, reduce the set values.
  • If a relatively large value is set for "CurLmt" (current limit value), the robot may start vibrating, resulting in an error. If such an error occurs, adjust the "Spring" (compliance) and "Damp" (damping) parameters .
  • If the deviation of the position of the end of the arm or the deviation of each axis exceeds the specified allowable value, the error "8320152E Force control, arm end deviation error" may occur.
  • Do not set Damp (Damping) to a value smaller than the ratio determined by "Spring" (Compliance).
    If it is set to a value smaller than the determined compliance ratio, the robot may vibrate and stop due to an error.
  • When adjusting Force Sensor Compliance Control or Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control, specify the "Force" and "Control Rate" parameters first. For the adjustment procedure, refer to "Parameter Adjustment" of "Force Sensor-Based Force Control Function" in "FUNCTION GUIDE".
  • When adjusting Compliance Function, specify the "Force" and "Current Limit Value" parameters first. For the adjustment procedure, refer to "Adjustments" of "Non-Force Sensor-Based Force Control Function" in "FUNCTION GUIDE".
  • The parameters can be adjusted using both the teaching pendant and command. However, using both of the methods may confuse you and lead to a risk of improper configuration. To avoid this, you should use only either of the methods.
  • If the direction of the force to be controlled is the same as the direction of the robot motion executed by a command such as the Move command, the force control function cannot control a force as configured. To prevent this, skip the robot motion command with MotionSkip when the robot reaches the position at which you intend to start the force control.
  • When Force Sensor Robust Compliance Control is used, an error occurs if the value specified for “Control Force” is below the values specified for “contact detect force for robust compliance control” or “contact detect moment for robust compliance control”.


Example 1

Sub Main 'Start the program. Takearm keep = 1 'Get control authority for the arm group. Move P,@E P2 'Move to P2. ForceParam 1,1,P(100,100,0,100,100,100) 'Set force control number, coordinates, 'and threshold values for external 'forces applied on each element. ForceCtrl True,1,0 'Enable force control function '(compliance function). Move L,@0 P3 'Move to P3. : 'Call the unchuck motion. : Move L,@0 P2 'Move to P2. ForceCtrl False 'Disable force control function '(compliance function). : : End Sub 'End of program.

Example 2

'Apply 10N on the Z direction of Tool coordinate system ForceParam 1, 1, P(0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0), Rate = P(0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0)

For specific usage, refer to "Example(Programming Example)" of "Force Control Function" in FUNCTION GUIDE.

ID : 5176

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