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ID : 5530



Wait until the specified conditions of the force control are satisfied.


ForceWaitCondition [Position = travel distance][, Force = force and moment] [, Time = elapsed time][, Mode = termination mode][, Timeout = timeout]

Guaranteed Entry

Travel distance
Specify the absolute value of travel distance ([mm] or [deg]) of the tool end from the control start by Position type data. Elements which have specified -1 are not referred. This is omittable. Travel distance is not referred if it is omitted.
Force and moment
Specify the absolute value of the force and moment ([N] or [Nm]) converted to the force control coordinate system by Position type data. Elements which have specified "-1" are not referred. This is omittable. The force and moment is not referred if it is omitted.
Elapsed time
Specify the elapsed time [ms] from the control start by Integer type data. This is omittable. The elapsed time is not referred if it is omitted.
Termination mode
Specify the termination mode (see the table below) of the robot and force control when the condition is met by Integer type. This is omittable. This should be "0" if it is omitted.
Termination mode Description
0 The robot keeps performing a motion with the force control continued.
1 The robot instantaneously stops performing a motion and then executes the next statement with the force control continued.
2 The robot instantaneously stops performing a motion and discontinues the force control and then executes the next statement.
Specify the timeout period [ms] by Integer type. If the timeout period passes, a Level 1 error occurs and this command ends. This is omittable. This command will not timeout if this option is omitted.


Wait until the specified conditions of the force control are satisfied.
This command is exclusive to the Compliance Function with Force Sensor.
For compliance function with force sensor, refer to "Compliance Function with Force Sensor" of FUNCTION GUIDE.


  • 5-axis robots do not support this command.
  • At the start of this command execution, the travel distance from the start of the force control is not reset. Therefore, if you set the travel distance to a condition for termination, the condition can be immediately met, as a result, the command will be terminated.


'This program performs the pressing motion in the Z direction on 
'the tool coordinate system with the force control.

Sub Main 
  TakeArm Keep = 0
  ForceParam 1, 1, P(0,0,30,0,0,0),Rate = P(100,100,100,100,100,100)
  ForceParam 2, 1, P(0,0,5,0,0,0),Rate = P(100,100,100,100,100,100)
  'Execute CALSET of the sensor
  ForceSensor 0
  Motor On
  'Start the force control
  ForceCtrl On, 1
  'Wait until the force in Z direction comes to 30N
  ForceWaitCondition Force = P(-1,-1,30,-1,-1,-1)
  'Change the force control table from 1 to 2
  ForceChangeTable 2
  'End the force control
  ForceCtrl Off
End Sub

ID : 5530

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