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ID : 5591



Change the force control number used when the force control is performed.


ForceChangeTable Force control number

Guaranteed Entry

Force control number
Specify the force control number (a parameter table number for the compliance function) by integer type data from 1 to 10.


Change the force control number used when the force control is performed.


  • 5-axis robots do not support this command.
  • The command is available only to the force sensor-based force control function. In Compliance Function, which does not use a force sensor, a table cannot be changed.


'This program performs the pressing motion in the Z direction on 
'the tool coordinate system with the force control.

Sub Main 
  TakeArm Keep = 0
  ForceParam 1, 1, P(0,0,30,0,0,0),Rate = P(100,100,100,100,100,100)
  ForceParam 2, 1, P(0,0,5,0,0,0),Rate = P(100,100,100,100,100,100)
  'Execute CALSET of the sensor
  ForceSensor 0
  Motor On
  'Start the force control
  ForceCtrl On, 1
  'Wait until the force in Z direction comes to 30N
  ForceWaitCondition Force = P(-1,-1,30,-1,-1,-1)
  'Change the force control table from 1 to 2
  ForceChangeTable 2
  'End the force control
  ForceCtrl Off
End Sub

ID : 5591

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