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ID : 5842



Set the Force sensor Mass of payload parameters.

This command is available in Ver.1.8.* or higher.


ForceSensorPayLoad Force sensor Mass of payload[, 
Force sensor Payload center of gravity[, Force sensor Payload moment of inertia]]

Guaranteed Entry

Force sensor Mass of payload
Specify the payload applied to the sensor end by an integer type data.
Force sensor Payload center of gravity
Specify the center of gravity of the payload applied to the sensor end by Vector type data (V(X,Y,Z)). This is omittable. When this entry is omitted, the behavior of this command differs depending on the setting of the user parameter 221 "FoceSensorPayload command setting".
0: 0 vector (V(0,0,0)) is assigned.
1: Currently specified values remain.
Force sensor Payload moment of inertia
Specify the moment of inertia at the center of gravity of the payload applied to the sensor end by Vector type data (V(Ix, Iy, Iz)). This is omittable. When this entry is omitted, the behavior of this command differs depending on the setting of the user parameter 221 "FoceSensorPayload command setting".
0: 0 vector (V(0,0,0)) is assigned.
1: Currently specified values remain.


This command sets parameters of the Force sensor Mass of payload.
"Force sensor Mass of payload" is the mass of payload mounted on the sensor (total mass of the tool end and workpiece). The unit is gram (g).
To set the "Force sensor Payload center of gravity", specify the center of gravity of payload mounted on the sensor, by force sensor coordinates. The unit is millimeter (mm).
"Force sensor Payload moment of inertia" is the inertia around the Z-axis which origin is the center of gravity of payload applied to the sensor. The unit is kgcm².
For details, refer to "Sensor Setting" in "FORCE CONTROL FUNCTION" on "FUNCTION GUIDE".
This command is exclusive to the Compliance Function with Force Sensor.
For compliance function with force sensor, refer to "Compliance Function with Force Sensor" of FUNCTION GUIDE.

Related Terms





Sub Main

TakeArm 1

 ForceSenSor 0

 ForceSensorPayLoad 2000,V(0,100,150),V(0.1,0.1,0.1)

 ForceCtrl On,1, Mode = 1

 Delay 1000

 ForceCtrl Off

End Sub

ID : 5842

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