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ID : 7427


To enable or disable singularity avoidance function.

Graphic expression AOI category

Input and Output Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range Conditions for Input and Output
AxesGroup eRC_AxesGroup -
Robot group
Specify a robot variable (structured type data : eRC_AxesGroup) of user-defined type.

Input Variable

Variable name Data type Valid range
Execute Boolean
  • TRUE : Start
  • FALSE : -
Execution start
When the variable is changed from FALSE to TRUE, this AOI is executed.
ModeNo Integer 0,2
Specify a mode number of singularity avoidance function.
[0: Disable]
[2: Enable]

Output Variable

Variable name Data type / Description
Done Boolean
Execution completion confirmation
TRUE : This AOI execution is completed.
FALSE : This AOI execution is not completed.
Busy Boolean
Processing status of this AOI
TRUE : Being executed.
FALSE : Not being executed.
Error Boolean
Error presence
TRUE : This AOI ended abnormally.
FALSE : This AOI ended successfully.
ErrorID Integer
Error location
2800 : The error occurred in the PLC program.
2801 : The error occurred in the robot controller.
ErrorIDEx DInt
Error Code
This is a number to identify the error description.
For details, refer to "Error code list".

Function Description

Once singularity avoidance function is enabled, when the 5th-axis is passing near 0 degree while CP such as straight line, arc and free curve is running, it can control the behavior of the 4th-axis' great spinning.


To execute this AOI, AOI with the AOI category "Motion" needs to be made executable.
To make AOI with the AOI category "Motion" executable, use the AOI "MC_Power".

ID : 7427

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