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ID : 3603



To return an internal speed setting value.


CurSpd[(arm group)]

Guaranteed Entry

Arm group
Designate an arm group number by integer type data. When "-1" is designated, the arm group for which the task has control is designated. This is an optional value. This should be "-1" if this is omitted.

Return Value

Return the current internal speed (0-100) by a Single Precision Real Number Type value. The unit is "%."


Internal speed of the designated arm group is returned. When "-1" is designated (or omitted) in the argument arm group, the internal speed of the arm group for which the task has control is returned.

When "-1" is designated and the task has acquired control of no arm group, "0" is returned.


The value is not the speed of the current robot motion but internal speed setting value.


'!TITLE "Acquiring Internal Travelling Speed"
' Display the internal travelling speed on the message output window
Sub Sample_CurSpd

  Dim aaa As Integer

  TakeArm Keep = 1

  ' Assign the current internal travelling speed to aaa
  aaa = CurSpd

  ' Display internal travelling speed on the message output window
  PrintDbg aaa

End Sub

ID : 3603

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