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ID : 3609



To change the internal speed.


Speed speed

Guaranteed Entry

Specify the internal speed by Single Precision Real Number Type data within the range of 0.1-100. The unit is "%."


The internal speed of the arm group for which the task acquired control is changed.

Change of internal speed is accompanied by change of internal acceleration and internal deceleration. Refer to Setting the Reduced Ratios of the Programmed Speed, Acceleration, and Deceleration.

To execute this statement, the task must acquire any axis control.




'!TITLE "Internal Traveling Speed Setting"
' Set internal traveling speed
Sub Sample_Speed

  Dim aaa As Position
  Dim bbb As Position

  TakeArm Keep = 1

  ' Set traveling speed to 80%
  Speed 80

  aaa = P( 200, 0, 30, 180, 0, 180, -1 )

  ' Move to the aaa coordinate position at 50% traveling speed
  Move P, aaa, Speed = 50

  bbb = P( 300, -50, 0, 180, 0, 180, -1 )

  ' Move to the bbb coordinate position at 80% traveling speed
  Move P, bbb

End Sub

ID : 3609

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