ID : 3621
To return designated tool definition data by position type data.
ToolPos(tool coordinate number)
Guaranteed Entry
- Tool coordinate number
- Designate a tool coordinate number between 0-63 to acquire by integer type data.
Specifying "-1" will obtain the offset distance between the flange end and the gripping position.
Return Value
Return tool coordinates definition data by position type data. "-1" is assigned to FIG element.
Tool coordinates definition data of designated tool coordinate number is returned by position type data.
Related Terms
Tool Coordinates (6-axis) , ChangeTool, ChangeWork, Tool, Work, CurTool, CurWork, WorkPos
'!TITLE "Returning Tool Coordinates by Position Type"
' Assign setting value of tool coordinates of the designated tool coordinate number to aaa
Sub Sample_ToolPos
Dim aaa As Position
' Assign setting value of tool coordinates of the tool coordinate number 1 to aaa
aaa = ToolPos( 1 )
' Display the tool coordinates on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
End Sub
ID : 3621