ID : 3614
To change the current work coordinates.
ChangeWork work coordinate number
Guaranteed Entry
- Work coordinate number
- Designate work coordinate number (0-7) by Integer Type data.
Current work coordinate number of the acquired arm group is changed.
To execute this command, the task must acquire robot axis control.
Related Terms
Work, WorkPos, CurWork, WorkAttribute, Base Coordinates and Work Coordinates, Displaying and Setting Work Coordinates
- Execution with Next option during motion does not affect any instruction in motion.
- The coordinate number specified by this command is retained until the COBOTTA power turns OFF. When the power turns ON, the coordinate number will be reset. To keep selecting the coordinate number you have set after the power OFF, set the user parameter [14:Restoration of TOOL/WORK/BASE data] to [1:Enabled].
- The coordinate number can be changed with a teach pendant. For details, refer to the "Displaying and Changing Mode Selection Screen" of TP App Operation Guide. The coordinate number changed by a teach pendant will be retained after the COBOTTA power OFF.
- To specify the work coordinate number at the COBOTTA power ON, set the user parameter [143: WORK number setting] to a work coordinate number you want to use. However, if [14: Restoration of TOOL/WORK/BASE data] is set to [1: Enabled], the work coordinate number used at the previous COBOTTA power OFF will be used.
'!TITLE "Changing User Coordinates"
' Change user coordinates to the specified coordinates
Sub Sample_ChangeWork
Dim aaa As Position
TakeArm Keep = 1
aaa = P( 10, 10, 5, 0, 0, 0 )
' Declare user coordinates indicated by position type variable aaa in user coordinate number 1
Work 1, aaa
' Change to user coordinates of the user coordinates number 1
ChangeWork 1
End Sub
ID : 3614