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ID : 3897



To calibrate visual coordinates and robot coordinates.


Vis.CalTrans Cal number, visual coordinate 1X, visual coordinate 1Y,
robot coordinates 1 (V type), visual coordinate 2X, visual coordinate 2Y, 
robot coordinates 2 (V type), visual coordinate 3X, visual coordinate 3Y, robot coordinates 3 (V type)

Guaranteed Entry

Cal number
Designate a Cal data table number (0-31) by integer type data.
Visual coordinate 1X
Designate the X coordinate of the visual coordinates 1 by single precision real number type data.
Visual coordinate 1Y
Designate the Y coordinate of the visual coordinates 1 by single precision real number type data.
Robot coordinates 1 (V type)
Designate the robot coordinates 1 corresponding to visual coordinates 1 by vector type data.
Visual coordinate 2X
Designate the X coordinate of the visual coordinates 2 by single precision real number type data.
Visual coordinate 2Y
Designate the Y coordinate of the visual coordinates 2 by single precision real number type data.
Robot coordinates 2
Designate the robot coordinates 2 corresponding to visual coordinates 2 by vector type data.
Visual coordinate 3X
Designate the X coordinate of the visual coordinates 3 by single precision real number type data.
Visual coordinate 3Y
Designate the Y coordinate of the visual coordinates 3 by single precision real number type data.
Robot coordinates 3
Designate the robot coordinates 3 corresponding to visual coordinates 3 by vector type data.


Transformation matrix is calculated and registered with the Cal data table of a designated Cal number.

Contents of the Cal table are listed below. Each elements are single precision real number type data.

Cal table consists of the transformation matrix data area and teaching position data area.

Transformation Matrix Data

Transformation matrix data can be obtained by Vis.GetCalData command.

Data number Description
0 X component of the normal vector
1 X component of the orientation vector
2 X component of the approach vector
3 X component of the robot reference position
4 Y component of the normal vector
5 Y component of the orientation vector
6 Y component of the approach vector
7 Y component of the robot reference position
8 Z component of the normal vector
9 Z component of the orientation vector
10 Z component of the approach vector
11 Z component of the robot reference position

Calibration Teaching Position Data

Calibration teaching position data can be obtained by Vis.GetCalPos command.

Data number Description
0 X component of the visual coordinate 1
1 Y component of the visual coordinate 1
2 Z component of the visual coordinate 1
3 X component of the visual coordinate 2
4 Y component of the visual coordinate 2
5 Z component of the visual coordinate 2
6 X component of the visual coordinate 3
7 Y component of the visual coordinate 3
8 Z component of the visual coordinate 3
9 X component of the robot coordinate 1
10 Y component of the robot coordinate 1
11 Z component of the robot coordinate 1
12 RX component of the robot coordinate 1
13 RY component of the robot coordinate 1
14 RZ component of the robot coordinate 1
15 X component of the robot coordinate 2
16 Y component of the robot coordinate 2
17 Z component of the robot coordinate 2
18 RX component of the robot coordinate 2
19 RY component of the robot coordinate 2
20 RZ component of the robot coordinate 2
21 X component of the robot coordinate 3
22 Y component of the robot coordinate 3
23 Z component of the robot coordinate 3
24 RX component of the robot coordinate 3
25 RY component of the robot coordinate 3
26 RZ component of the robot coordinate 3


  • Before executing Vis.Trans command, store the transformation matrix in the Cal table with this command or Vis.SetCalData command.
  • This command is used in "Operation panel for calibration (Main.pns)" in the Vision-Robot coordinate Calibration.
    Note that when you perform calibration by means of "Operation panel for calibration (Main.pns)", Cal data is not saved unless [Save Caldata] button is pressed. (Cal data is deleted when the controller power turns off.)


Sub Main 
	Dim fCamPos1(1) as Single
	Dim fCamPos2(1) as Single
	Dim fCamPos3(1) as Single
	Dim vRobPos1 as Vector
	Dim vRobPos2 as Vector
	Dim vRobPos3 as Vector
	Dim lCalNum as Integer
	lCalNum = 1
	fCamPos1(0) = 50
	fCamPos1(1) = 50
	fCamPos2(0) = 50
	fCamPos2(1) = 300
	fCamPos3(0) = 500
	fCamPos3(1) = 300
	vRobPos1 = V(325, 112.5, 279)
	vRobPos2 = V(200, 112.5, 279)
	vRobPos3 = V(200, -112.5, 279)
	Vis.CalTrans lCalNum, fCamPos1(0), fCamPos1(1), vRobPos1, fCamPos2(0),
                     fCamPos2(1), vRobPos2,fCamPos3(0), fCamPos3(1), vRobPos3
End Sub

ID : 3897

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