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ID : 3900



To set transformation matrix of a designated CAL number.


Vis.SetCalData CAL number, transformation matrix

Guaranteed Entry

CAL number
Designate a CAL data table number (0-31) by integer type data.
Transformation matrix
Designate a transformation matrix with an array of variant type.
Each elements are single precision real number type data.


A designated transformation matrix is registered with the CAL data table of a designated CAL number.
For about the transformation matrix, refer to the Cal table in Vis.CalTrans.
The data numbers from 0 through 11 on the Cal table correspond to the 12 elements of the transformation matrix.




Sub Main 
	Dim vntCalData as Variant

	vntCalData =  Vis.GetCalData(1)

	vntCalData(3) = 200
	vntCalData(7) = 200
	vntCalData(11) = 300
	Vis.SetCalData 2, vntCalData
End Sub

ID : 3900

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