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ID : 3899



To return a calibration teaching position of a designated Cal number.


Vis.GetCalPos(CAL number)

Guaranteed Entry

Cal number
Designate a coordinate conversion table number (0-31) by integer type data.

Return Value

The visual coordinate and robot coordinate specified where the calibration is performed with Vis.CalTrans command are returned with an array of variant type.


The visual coordinate and robot coordinate where the calibration is performed with Vis.CalTrans command are acquired.
Three position's coordinates on the Cal table specified by a Cal number are obtained.
For about the Cal table, refer to Vis.CalTrans.
Data numbers from 0 to 8 on the Cal table correspond to the visual coordinates of three positions, and from 9 to 26 correspond to the robot coordinates of three positions.




'!TITLE "Acquiring Calibration Teaching Position of Designated CAL number"
' Acquire calibration teaching position of CAL number 1
Sub Sample_VisGetCalPos

  Dim aaa( 1 ) As Single
  Dim bbb( 1 ) As Single
  Dim ccc( 1 ) As Single
  Dim ddd As Vector
  Dim eee As Vector
  Dim fff As Vector
  Dim ggg As Integer
  Dim hhh As Variant
  Dim iii As Integer

  ggg = 1

  aaa( 0 ) = 50
  aaa( 1 ) = 50
  bbb( 0 ) = 50
  bbb( 1 ) = 300
  ccc( 0 ) = 500
  ccc( 1 ) = 300

  ddd = V( 325, 112.5, 279 )
  eee = V( 200, 112.5, 279 )
  fff = V( 200, -112.5, 279 )

  Vis.CalTrans ggg, aaa( 0 ), aaa( 1 ), ddd, bbb( 0 ), bbb( 1 ),
               eee, ccc( 0 ), ccc( 1 ), fff

  ' Assign calibration teaching position of CAL number 1 to hhh
  hhh = Vis.GetCalPos( 1 )

  For iii = 0 To 26

    ' Display coordinate at which calibration is performed on the message output window
    PrintDbg hhh( iii )


End Sub

ID : 3899

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