ID : 3901
To convert visual coordinates into robot coordinates (X, Y, and Z).
Vis.Trans Cal number, visual coordinate X, visual coordinate Y
Guaranteed Entry
- Cal number
- Designate a Cal data table number (0-31) by integer type data.
- Visual coordinate X
- Designate the X coordinate of the visual coordinates by single precision real number type data.
- Visual coordinate Y
- Designate the Y coordinate of the visual coordinates by single precision real number type data.
Return Value
Return robot coordinates (X, Y, and Z) by vector type data.
Visual coordinates are converted into robot coordinates (X, Y, and Z).
For about the transformation matrix, refer to the Cal table in Vis.CalTrans.
The data numbers from 0 through 11 on the Cal table correspond to the 12 elements of the transformation matrix.
Related Terms
- Before executing this command, store the transformation matrix in the Cal table with Vis.CalTrans or Vis.SetCalData commands.
- Because this command simply calculates X, Y and Z components on the robot coordinate, to execute motion commands, you need to set Rx, Ry and Rz components separately.
'!TITLE "Conversion from Visual Coordinates to Robot Coordinates"
' Convert 30 of X coordinate and Y coordinate in visual coordinates
of Cal number 1 to robot coordinates
Sub Sample_VisTrans
Dim aaa( 1 ) As Single
Dim bbb( 1 ) As Single
Dim ccc( 1 ) As Single
Dim ddd As Vector
Dim eee As Vector
Dim fff As Vector
Dim ggg As Integer
Dim hhh As Vector
ggg = 1
aaa( 0 ) = 50
aaa( 1 ) = 50
bbb( 0 ) = 50
bbb( 1 ) = 300
ccc( 0 ) = 500
ccc( 1 ) = 300
ddd = V( 325, 112.5, 279 )
eee = V( 200, 112.5, 279 )
fff = V( 200, -112.5, 279 )
' Calibration of visual coordinates and robot coordinates
Vis.CalTrans ggg, aaa( 0 ), aaa( 1 ), ddd, bbb( 0 ), bbb( 1 ),
eee, ccc( 0 ), ccc( 1 ), fff
' Assign coordinates position that the visual coordinates are converted to
robot coordinates (X,Y, and Z)
hhh = Vis.Trans( 1, 30, 30 )
' Display coordinates position that the visual coordinates are converted to
robot coordinates (X,Y, and Z) on the message output window
PrintDbg hhh
End Sub
ID : 3901